Pitting animals against each other in a fight to the death for spectators often goes hand-in-hand with a wide range of criminal activity such as drug trafficking, illegal gambling and organized crime.
Dogfighting is barbaric, forcing dogs to fight and suffer from horrific injuries. Take action to stop this cruelty and protect dogs.

Typical dogfighting injuries include severe bruising, deep puncture wounds and broken bones—the dogs often die of blood loss, dehydration, exhaustion or infection.

Is the length of an average dog fight, ending when one of the dogs cannot continue.

Provide felony penalties for cockfighting, but some parts of the country still need to strengthen their laws.

Have laws to address the possession and sale of animal fighting paraphernalia.

For every animal saved, countless others are still suffering. By stepping up for them, you can create a future where animals no longer have to suffer in puppy mills, factory farms, testing labs or other heartbreaking situations. Start saving lives today!