A Humane World
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Cliff Riedinger
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Stand for wildlife against Florida’s absurd and deceptive 'right to hunt' amendment
Floridians face a critical decision on their November ballots, one that will shape the future of wildlife, land and the legacy they leave as voters for generations to come. That’s how significant—and dangerous—Amendment 2 is. The seemingly innocuous measure has been characterized by lobbyists as a way to protect hunting and fishing interests, but in reality, it goes so much further, setting a dangerous precedent for how wild animals are viewed and treated.
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Tell NIH to send the last of the research chimpanzees to sanctuary
Taking Suffering Out of Science
Jury says pork producer has to pay $25 million in damages, even as North Carolina lawmakers rush to protect factory farms
Improving the Lives of Farm Animals
It’s official – Californians can vote to ban cage confinement for farm animals
Improving the Lives of Farm Animals