A Humane World
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Cliff Riedinger
Alamy Stock Photo
Stand for wildlife against Florida’s absurd and deceptive 'right to hunt' amendment
Floridians face a critical decision on their November ballots, one that will shape the future of wildlife, land and the legacy they leave as voters for generations to come. That’s how significant—and dangerous—Amendment 2 is. The seemingly innocuous measure has been characterized by lobbyists as a way to protect hunting and fishing interests, but in reality, it goes so much further, setting a dangerous precedent for how wild animals are viewed and treated.
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Building a brighter future for Bolivia's dogs and cats
Rescuing Animals in Crisis
Giving thanks with Helen the turkey
Rescuing Animals in Crisis
Breaking: 18 dogs saved as Viet Nam slaughterhouse shuts down
Rescuing Animals in Crisis
Endangered Species Act proposal would be a win for elephants
Protecting Wildlife
Breaking: Brutal trophy hunt returns in shocking ‘emergency’ reversal of policy
Protecting Wildlife
As the House votes to stop soring of horses, it’s PAST time
Protecting Equines
At CITES in Panama, we’re pushing for greater wildlife protection worldwide
Protecting Wildlife