Do your homework So you’ve decided to add a new pet to your family. First, you should answer some questions: What kind of pet will be the best fit for your household? Do you have enough time to devote to the daily needs of a dog? Is there someone in your household who is allergic? What about a non...
In 2011, Dr. Kwane Stewart was working at an overwhelmed municipal animal shelter in California. Depressed about the animals he couldn’t save, he contemplated quitting his profession. Then one morning he stopped for coffee at a 7-Eleven and met a man who lived on the streets with his dog. Stewart...
My husband and I were contemplating whether to hike the 3-mile trail in Utah’s Zion National Park that September day. I’d read that this trail was our best chance to spot bighorn sheep, but after a week of exploring the five national parks in the state, our bodies were tired—and it was already late...
The young Belgian Malinois was only supposed to stay with Lisa Kauffman for a month. Kauffman, HSUS wildlife protection public policy program manager, welcomed Emmie into her home last October after she was found as an underweight stray and brought to a California shelter. Kauffman planned to care...
You just found a group of tiny newborn kittens and their mother is nowhere to be seen. Before that rescue instinct kicks in and you scoop them up, take a deep breath, step back and evaluate the situation. In most cases, removing the kittens is not the best response. Healthy kittens? Give mom time...
Once robust, populations of cougars (also known as mountain lions or pumas) have declined drastically across most of their range in the Americas. The population decline is due to the impact of extensive hunting and predator control, in addition to continued habitat loss and fragmentation. Cougars...
Aug. 16, 2023: In the aftermath of devastating wildfires that claimed the lives of a still unknown number of people on Maui, we mourn with our supporters and colleagues in Hawai'i. As with most disasters, the loss of human life and the financial and other damages incurred by individuals, governments...
Foxes are omnivores, hunting very small animals and scavenging in cities and towns where freely available pet food and garbage can make life easier. It’s not unusual for a fox to be seen out and about during the day. Learn More About Foxes Foxes are afraid of people and will usually run away when...
It happens every autumn: As we sit down to gather some of the biggest victories you helped make possible for our year-end roundup, we’re stumped. How do we share the thousands of achievements, big and small, that together we’ve made for animals in 2022? The short answer is, we can’t. We could give...