Sadly, these creatures of the night seldom get the respect they deserve. When bats take up residence in attics or crawlspaces, uninformed homeowners too often panic and resort to lethal measures. And with habitat loss and disease decimating their populations, bats need our help and understanding more than ever.

The last place a bat wants to be is in your hair! But when they get trapped in confined spaces (such as houses), their swooping flight patterns can make it seem like they’re flying at you, when they’re simply trying to stay airborne. Fortunately, there are effective and humane ways for ushering bats outside and you can even provide them a new roosting spot with a DIY bat house.

A single brown bat can catch 600 mosquitoes or more in an hour!

Every day, more and more wildlife habitats are lost to the spread of development. Your gift can help create more humane backyards to protect all animals.