Showing 7 of 7 results

Undeniably adorable, chipmunks play a vital role in healthy ecosystems.

Known for Groundhog Day and weather prediction, nearsighted groundhogs (aka woodchucks) have an important place in the ecosystem. They provide food for coyotes, foxes, weasels, badgers, hawks and eagles, and their burrows give shelter to amphibians, reptiles, rodents and foxes. Learn More About...

Thanks to widespread pet vaccinations, effective post-exposure treatment and the relative rarity of undetected bites by rabid animals, the number of human deaths from rabies in the United States caused has declined to an average of only one or two per year—far less than the number of human...

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.

To encourage peaceful coexistence with wild animals.

To reduce⁠—and eventually end⁠—harmful animal experiments.

The Humane Society of the United States works with community leaders and animal care and control agencies to create Wild Neighbors communities, where humane and non-lethal solutions are given priority.