Showing 6 of 126 results

A tragic story from Canada underscores the vast, global scale of the puppy mill problem, and how important it is that we root it out wherever it exists. On June 13th, a Ukraine International Airlines flight carrying approximately 500 puppies, including at least 200 French bulldogs, arrived at...

Police in Fairfax, Virginia, announced yesterday that they have charged two former managers of a Petland store with animal cruelty on the heels of an undercover investigation we released in April. Our investigation disclosed a pile of dead rabbits in the store’s freezer, and Petland employees...

Recently, in a shocking move, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced its plans to continue to conceal crucial animal welfare records from public view, including inspection reports and enforcement records of puppy mills, roadside zoos and horse shows where Tennessee walking horses and related...

The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to permanently conceal crucial animal welfare records, including inspection reports and enforcement records of puppy mills and horse shows where Tennessee walking horses and other related breeds are vulnerable to the heinous practice of soring. Last month...

There are new and explosive revelations about the lengths the Trump administration may be going to in order to prevent U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors from documenting and reporting violations of the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act. A Washington Post story details a...

It’s no secret that puppy and kitten mills treat dog and cat mothers and fathers like moneymaking machines, bred over and over with little to no regard for their health or well-being. It is simply no way for a dog or cat to live. The suffering of these animal families is what drives us in our work...