Showing 20 of 57 results

The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund released the following statements in response to the introduction of the “Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression” (EATS) Act. The EATS Act was modeled after the notorious “King amendment” which former Rep. Steve King (R-IA)...

Contents Plan for your equines Evacuating without your equines Equines and floodwater Equines and barn fires

Contents What is the Humane Society of the United States doing to help farm animals? What are some of the biggest problems farm animals face? Aren't there laws that protect farm animals from abuse? What are ag-gag bills? Don't animals have to be treated well to be productive? What can I do to help...

Someone must have been bringing food and water to the husky mixes at the junk-strewn property just off the interstate near Las Vegas, New Mexico. But when our Animal Rescue Team arrived in March, there were only scraps of kibble on the frozen, feces-caked ground and a bowl of what looked like mud...

Today S.1298/A.1970, a bill to ban the crates used to cruelly confine mother pigs and calves raised for veal, passed the New Jersey state Senate. The bill is prime-sponsored by Senator Vin Gopal and Assemblyman Raj Mukherji and will now go to Gov. Murphy for his signature. The bill passed the state...

In September 2022, our responders assisted with rescue calls and community outreach in the wake of devastating flooding and destruction in Charlotte County, Florida, after Hurricane Ian.

We’re working to increase equity in access to care through policy making, training for veterinary and animal welfare professionals, and direct care programs that provide veterinary care, pet supplies, other animal care services and information at no cost to pet owners. We’ve provided: More than 440...

Media Downloads: Dogs Arriving in the U.S. and Settling in at Care Center Dogs Leaving South Korea at Incheon Airport Rescue at the Dog Meat Farm WASHINGTON―One month after the South Korean government announced a bill to ban the dog meat industry, 27 dogs rescued by Humane Society International from...

Our Animal Rescue Team responded to an alleged neglect case in Topeka, KS where 48 cats and more than 20 dogs were living in filthy conditions, with waste and debris covering most surfaces.

Plan for your livestock Write down a list of emergency telephone numbers, including those of your employees, neighbors, veterinarian, state veterinarian, poison control, local animal shelter, animal care and control, county extension service, local agricultural schools, trailering resources and...

In January 2023, our Animal Rescue Team responded to an alleged cruelty and neglect case in Crystal Springs, Mississippi, where more than 170 cats were trapped in horrific conditions.

The Humane Society of the United States is assisting the Vidalia Police Department and Vidalia Animal Control in rescuing more than 20 dogs and puppies from an alleged neglect situation at a residential property in Vidalia, Louisiana. Volunteers with Red Rover will be assisting with the care of the...

TRENTON, N.J.—Today, a bill to ban the crates used to cruelly confine mother pigs and calves raised for veal was signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy. The bill is sponsored by Senator Vin Gopal and Assemblyman Raj Mukherji. It passed the state Senate in June 2023 and state Assembly in May 2023. The...

In May 2023, our Animal Rescue Team responded to an alleged cruelty case in Hertford County, North Carolina where 114 dogs were found living in grim conditions. These dogs were living in filth and in need of veterinary attention. Several dogs had open wounds or significant matting. Learn More Your...

Our Animal Rescue Team responded to two puppy mill operations in Johnston County, Oklahoma where over 150 dogs and puppies needed urgent rescue.

The young Belgian Malinois was only supposed to stay with Lisa Kauffman for a month. Kauffman, HSUS wildlife protection public policy program manager, welcomed Emmie into her home last October after she was found as an underweight stray and brought to a California shelter. Kauffman planned to care...

Aug. 16, 2023: In the aftermath of devastating wildfires that claimed the lives of a still unknown number of people on Maui, we mourn with our supporters and colleagues in Hawai'i. As with most disasters, the loss of human life and the financial and other damages incurred by individuals, governments...

Contents Plan for your pets Make a disaster kit for pets If you evacuate, take your pet If you stay home, do it safely Pets and wildfires After the emergency Additional resources for equines, livestock and community cats

(Each report is available as a downloadable PDF.) Pigs About Pigs [PDF] Animal Welfare in the Pig Industry [PDF] Economics of Alternatives to Gestation Crates [PDF] The Welfare of Intensively Confined Animals [PDF] Scientists and Experts: Gestation Crates [PDF] Welfare Issues with Gestation Crates...

This press release was updated at 2:35 p.m. EST on May 23, 2024. WASHINGTON—Pig producers, pork distributors and animal advocates decried the House of Representatives’ Farm Bill (the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024) that will likely be voted out of the Agriculture Committee today. They...