About this issue

In this issue of All Animals, we remind you that change is possible as we reflect on years of advocacy that resulted in landmark legislation to ban the dog meat industry in South Korea. We also encourage you to take a cue from our global director of animal response and follow your dreams; to celebrate some hometown heroes who have selflessly dedicated themselves to the well-being of animals and to consider baking plant-based treats for a good cause. And don’t forget to take time this summer to beat the heat—much like our otter friends who are making a splash in Your Best Shot.

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Cover of All Animals Magazine Summer 2024
Create a haven for wildlife.

A humane backyard is a natural habitat offering wildlife plenty of food, water and cover, plus a safe place to live free from pesticides, chemicals, free-roaming pets, inhumane practices and other threats. And it's so easy to build!

humane backyard with a bench and birdbath
Meredith Lee / The HSUS
Your Best Shot

Supporters share their favorite photographs and love of animals with All Animals magazine. View the latest featured photo and learn how to submit your own!

A cute dalmation named Tali stands majestically among trees and purple flowers.
James Silvestr