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The tragic fate of Colorado’s Copper Creek wolf pack
Wolf restoration programs exist to bring the species back to habitats where they were wiped out. But a wolf family established by wolves previously captured in Oregon and reintroduced in Colorado has now been removed from the wild. This week, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife department announced that its specialists had captured the Copper Creek wolf pack, the state’s first gray wolf family established by reintroduced wolves. The capture was part of a plan to relocate them after ranchers complained that the wolves were targeting farm animals.
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Funding bill could grant $30 million to support monkey experimentation
Taking Suffering Out of Science
After devastating landslides and floods in India, we helped 10,000 animals and 2,250 families
Rescuing Animals in Crisis
Long-fought campaign for animals ends in monumental victory, as Massachusetts passes circus law
Helping Captive Wild Animals
Lead poisoning kills countless animals. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Protecting Wildlife
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Helping Captive Wild Animals
A decade of our street dog monitoring program has been a game changer for animals
Creating Equity in Access to Pet Care
In significant win, court upholds Massachusetts farm animal protection law
Improving the Lives of Farm Animals