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NEW YORK—Today, animal welfare groups commended Gov. Kathy Hochul for signing the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill, groundbreaking legislation that will stop the flow of cruelly bred puppies to New York pet stores by ending the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores across the state. Championed...

Petland is the only national pet store chain in the United States that still sells puppies and the largest retailer of puppy mill dogs.

Between July and August 2019, a hidden-camera investigation conducted by the Humane Society of the United States in the Frisco, Texas, Petland store uncovered both animal mistreatment and rampant disease. Citations for alleged violations of the city animal control ordinance are reportedly pending...

WARNING: This page contains graphic content. Editor's note: A day after the Humane Society of the United States released the results of its undercover investigation and two days after police searched the premises, Petland announced that it was cutting ties with the franchise store in Fairfax...

Do your homework So you’ve decided to add a new pet to your family. First, you should answer some questions: What kind of pet will be the best fit for your household? Do you have enough time to devote to the daily needs of a dog? Is there someone in your household who is allergic? What about a non...

American alligators are large aquatic reptiles with strong jaws, armor-like bodies and muscular tails.

Named for their stubby tails, bobcats are so elusive that you’d be lucky to catch a glimpse of one in your lifetime.

To stop the barbaric practices of dogfighting and cockfighting.

A humane backyard is a safe haven for wildlife—a space where animals can thrive free from pesticides, trapping and other threats.