Showing 15 of 15 results

To make sure there’s a family for every pet—and help keep pets in the loving homes they have.

The choice to spay or neuter your pet may be one of the most important decisions you make impacting their long-term health—and your wallet! Your pet's health and longevity The average lifespan of spayed and neutered cats and dogs is demonstrably longer than the lifespan of those not. A University of...

WASHINGTON—Approximately 20 million pets in the U.S. experience poverty with their families and 70% have never seen a veterinarian*. According to a new Harris Poll survey conducted on behalf of the Humane Society of the United States**, only around one in four Americans (28%) are even aware of this...

When Lovie Langston stumbled on an online listing for a white Maltese puppy, she was immediately captivated by the dog’s “beautiful face,” she says. Langston and her husband decided the pup, named Ziva, would be the perfect Christmas present for their family. In November 2021, Langston met Ziva at...

The first step on the road to pet ownership is to ask yourself some tough questions: Why do you want a puppy? Can you afford one? Are you prepared to take care of a dog every day for his entire life?

Dogs are the canine companions who have shared our lives for millennia.

If you’ve encountered a cat outdoors, or an unfamiliar cat has started hanging out in your backyard, you’ve likely wondered if the cat needs your help. The answer is maybe. The cat may be: an owned pet who lives nearby and is allowed to roam outside. a lost cat whose owners are searching for their...

Animal shelters and rescues are amazing! Usually with limited resources and very little publicity, they help untold numbers of animals and people. Give back by choosing one or more of the following ways to show your appreciation for the groups that do so much for animals, people and your community.

Contents How does the HSUS help local animal shelters and rescue groups? What if I have a concern about my local shelter or rescue? Where can I adopt a pet? How can I volunteer to help animals? I need to find a new home for my pet. Where can I turn? What is the HSUS's position on use of the gas...

Contents What is a puppy mill? What is the HSUS doing about puppy mills? Are there any laws that regulate puppy mills? There is a puppy mill in my area. How can I get the authorities to investigate and shut it down? I bought a puppy and they got sick. What can I do? Should I get a puppy or other...

The Humane Society of the United States has released its annual Horrible Hundred report, which exposes violations or concerns at 100 puppy mills to educate the public about conditions prevalent in breeding operations throughout the country. Researchers combed through inspection records from state...

Crate training a puppy takes advantage of the dog’s natural instincts to seek out a comfortable, quiet and safe place when the environment around them becomes too loud or overwhelming. It’s an important tool in preventing dogs from chewing on items in the home or during housetraining. Crates are...

To keep wild animals where they belong—in the wild—and out of zoos and circuses.