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A small pool filled with green slime was Cinder’s only drinking water when animal control officers in Somerset County, Maryland, rescued her from a large-scale breeding operation earlier this year. She had been living without access to food, clean water or adequate veterinary care—left in a dark...

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—The Humane Society of the United States is on the ground in Florida helping animals and communities impacted by the deadly Hurricane Idalia. The assistance of the HSUS was requested by Florida emergency management officials. Responders from the HSUS deployed to Madison County...

Steps you can take to stop animal abuse

The cream-colored mare was pacing, criss-crossing her pen in the cobweb-strewn barn. When they found her on an Ohio property in November 2022, our Animal Rescue Team immediately noticed her ruptured eye, which had scarred over.

Because we're ready to step up whenever they need us.

Our Animal Rescue Team responded to two puppy mill operations in Johnston County, Oklahoma where over 150 dogs and puppies needed urgent rescue.

To help reduce needless cruelty to animals.

The young Belgian Malinois was only supposed to stay with Lisa Kauffman for a month. Kauffman, HSUS wildlife protection public policy program manager, welcomed Emmie into her home last October after she was found as an underweight stray and brought to a California shelter. Kauffman planned to care...

The scene was as grim as it gets: dozens of dogs confined to dilapidated hutches, leaking in the pouring rain, and dozens more— nearly 140 in all—crammed into filthy campers and a single mobile home. They cowered in groups, big dogs and small, some nearly hairless from skin conditions, others...