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Showing 20 of 321 results

Workplace giving programs allow employees to make regular donations to eligible charities through their company's payroll system. Employees may contribute a set amount per paycheck or make a one-time gift. How does workplace giving work? You determine the charities you choose to support and pledge a...

When you transfer ownership of securities to the Humane Society of the United States, you will receive a charitable deduction for the full market value and incur no capital gains tax subject to IRS deductible limitations. The process is simple. You need to provide your financial adviser or brokerage...

Glue boards (also known as glue traps) might seem like a safe solution to ridding your home of uninvited guests of the crawling, flying or scurrying sort, but they are one of the cruelest.

Governing documents In 2019, the Board embarked on a comprehensive review of the HSUS’s governance, which resulted in the most extensive changes to the HSUS’s governing documents in its 65-year history. These changes were made in order to modernize the HSUS’s certificate of incorporation and bylaws...

What is a donor-advised fund? A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor-advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to the Humane Society...

Greyhound racing is on the wane—it's now illegal in more than 42 states. We can eliminate greyhound racing through education, compassion and action. Greyhounds are at a disadvantage even before they are born. Thousands are bred annually (many more than are needed to race) in an attempt to create the...

What can guinea pigs eat? And how much? Guinea pigs don't usually overeat, but it's important to provide the proper balance of pellets, hay and fresh vegetables. Like human beings, guinea pigs cannot make their own vitamin C, so they require vitamin C-rich foods in their daily diet. Inadequate...

Most cages marketed for guinea pigs are way too small. Guinea pigs need appropriate room to roam, with separate spaces for a nest, bathroom area and food and water. No animal is meant to live in a cage all the time, so make sure to provide your pig with time outside their enclosures at least once a...

Some pets love the hustle and bustle of Halloween, while others will find this spooky holiday a bit stressful. We recognize that animals are individuals, so while you while enjoy the festivities, consider it from your pet’s perspective: A dog’s natural instinct is to protect their home or to alert...

When you’re looking to add a canine companion to your household, seeing the phrase “heartworm-positive dog” on an adoption profile might give you pause. You should know that although heartworm can be fatal, it is very treatable if caught early. And even more importantly, your veterinarian can...

You can help pets in your own neighborhood by getting to know your neighbors and familiarizing yourself with local food pantries, shelters and other pet services in your community. Donating small amounts of your time, resources or expertise to companion animal causes at a local level can strengthen...

Pet behavior and holiday guests Though the excitement of a party may overwhelm some pets, keep your pets inside during cold weather and provide plenty of toys to keep them busy. If needed, provide your cat or dog with a quiet room or crate during holiday parties and/or prepare ahead of time to...

Sharing your life with a horse can be a rewarding experience, but it includes the responsibility of caring for your equine companion for life. Your horse depends on your love, care and commitment, which you can show through grooming, petting, riding and the occasional treat. With good care, your...

To protect their pets, many owners turn to microchips. Microchips are tiny transponders, about the size of a grain of rice, that can be implanted under your pet’s skin by most veterinarians and animal shelters; some shelters implant chips in all pets they place. A microchip isn’t the same as a GPS...

Wherever you live or work, chances are that there are community cats living nearby. You may see them hanging outside a neighbor’s home, lurking around the dumpsters behind a local restaurant or grocery store, or loitering around a commercial lot. An estimated 10-12% of the American public feed...

Government officials and lawmakers: Use policy to change the lives of community cats Have you been hearing from citizens who don’t want cats on their property? Are you looking for a way to modify ordinances so that Trap-Neuter-Return ( TNR) programs are allowed? You're not alone. More and more...

Whether you’re a large shelter, a private nonprofit, a municipal agency or a small all-volunteer rescue, there are ways to help your area’s community cats. Community cats produce around 80% of the kittens born in the U.S. each year. It’s only by caring for and managing community cats that we can...

The Humane Society of the United States was founded to tackle animal welfare challenges that were historically beyond the reach of local organizations, supplement the essential work of animal shelters and rescues by addressing the root causes of animal cruelty, advocate for stronger laws to ensure...

While having a horse in the family can be rewarding, being a successful horse owner requires a great deal of time, money and a lasting commitment to the care and well-being of the animal. The keys to a long-term, successful relationship with a horse are twofold: making sure you choose an appropriate...

Wild animals are forced to cross roads and highways in search of food, water, cover and mates—placing them in the path of our speeding vehicles. Each year, there are roughly 1.5 million vehicle collisions just with deer on U.S. roadways. How can I avoid hitting an animal with my car? First and...