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To reduce⁠—and eventually end⁠—harmful animal experiments.

I once adopted a chicken named Gloria who had outwitted a neighborhood of angry gardeners (chickens love scratching up plants) and animal control officers for almost a year. After joining my backyard flock, she lived in relative luxury for the rest of her days, enjoying a chicken-size swing set...

They slip soundlessly through our landscapes, cloaked in a rainbow of colors and patterns that help them become one with bark, rocks, leaves and soil. Often the only sign of their existence is what they leave behind: ghostly shed skins imprinted with shapes of eyes and scales, traces of pigmentation...

Flying back and forth over Cape Cod Bay, a survey plane spotted a half dozen of the world’s rarest creatures: North Atlantic right whales. Such sightings are good news. The species hovers near extinction—by one estimate, fewer than 360 remain. Each time researchers locate a whale, they take pictures...

Contents How many animals are used in experiments each year? Which animals are used in experiments? What kinds of experiments are animals used in? What kinds of institutions use animals in experiments? Where do laboratories get the animals they use in experiments? What is life like for animals in...