Current Selections
Showing 20 of 288 results

Update 11/19/2021: Today, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to not allow the 2022 spring bear hunt! The 4-4 vote means that mother bears and their dependent cubs will be protected from trophy hunting at a time when they are most vulnerable. For all of us, fall is a time for winter...

After teetering on the brink of extinction, the grizzly bear population in the United States finally began to recover, thanks to the Endangered Species Act. Currently, grizzly bears are classified as “threatened” with extinction. But now that could change for some of them. This week, the U.S. Fish...

At the Humane Society of the United States, we take on the toughest fights for all animals, and we do our best to live up to an early mission statement of our founders: Every field of humane work – everywhere. From working with state and federal lawmakers to ensure maximum protections for animals...

The fight for public policy gains for animals at the federal level is not for the faint of heart nor the weak of spirit. Every day, in every congressional session, it’s an all-out battle to secure humane laws and regulations. Whatever we achieve, we achieve against determined opposition, including...

Strangling neck snares are among the cruelest methods of trapping animals. These devices, made of cable wire looped through a locking device, are designed to tighten around the animal’s neck as he thrashes around and struggles to free himself, cutting his mouth and breaking his teeth in his...

At the G20 coronavirus meeting today, global leaders, including President Trump, brainstormed on ways to control the pandemic that is now ravaging dozens of nations, leaving a vast trail of human casualties in its wake. But one thing that didn’t come up was the reason why we are in this predicament...

We are fighting hard right now for wolves with legal petitions, lawsuits and lobbying pressure designed to protect this most besieged wildlife species. This is a perilous time as one state after another has surrendered to trophy hunters and special interest groups seeking to kill wolves. At the same...

A poignant Washington Post story about a black bear mourning her 6-month old cub, struck dead by a vehicle in Yosemite National Park, is a reminder that even in wild spaces animals are at risk when they come into contact with humans. Since 1995, motorists have killed more than 400 bears in Yosemite...

Update: The full Trophy Hunting by the Numbers report has been released, providing a global look at the scope and impact of trophy hunting. A new poll shows that more than 75% of Americans oppose trophy hunting, and 82% oppose the trophy hunting and import of African lions and elephants, both listed...

The Trump administration has given trophy hunters the green light to commit some of the worst sort of carnage on 20 million acres of Alaska’s pristinely beautiful national preserves. Under a new rule finalized this week, trophy hunters can, starting next month, kill hibernating mother black bears...

We’ve just learned that Donald Trump Jr.’s trophy hunting trip to Mongolia, where he hunted an argali sheep—an animal listed as "threatened" under the U.S. Endangered Species Act—cost American taxpayers a whopping $77,000. The revelation comes from the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and...

American trophy hunters target hundreds of thousands of animals in the U.S. and abroad every year just to display the gruesome keepsakes of their kills. Now, a new undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International reveals where so many of these...

We need your help urgently to stop a proposal that would roll back an Obama-era regulation prohibiting cruel and controversial trophy hunting and predator control methods on 20 million acres of national preserve lands in Alaska. These practices, condemned by most Americans, include killing...

A rule proposed by the federal government to reintroduce some of the cruelest of hunting methods to national preserves in Alaska has raised a chorus of outrage from conservation organizations, biologists, elected officials and American citizens, and there is still time to speak out against it. The...

With a proposal to permit the killing of brown bears over bait in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has “gone rogue.” The USFWS and its parent agency, the Department of the Interior, are way over on the dark side when it comes to the killing of...

Yellowstone’s grizzly bears cannot be hunted for trophies, a federal court ruled last night, restoring Endangered Species Act protections for these iconic animals, and shutting down plans by Wyoming and Idaho to open a trophy-hunting season – the first in the continental United States since the...

Update 4/20/2022: For the second time, a federal court has rejected trophy hunting interest groups' attempt to legalize the practice of luring Kenai’s revered brown bears with donuts, pastries and other treats only to shoot them dead. Congratulations to our attorneys who have been working for years...

In a massive victory for wildlife in Alaska, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced last week that it was withdrawing its 2020 proposed rule that would have allowed trophy hunters on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge to lure brown bears to their deaths with rotting piles of pastries and...

A federal appeals court has agreed that Yellowstone grizzly bears should continue to receive protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, ensuring that these iconic American carnivores will not be hunted for trophies. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a unanimous opinion today upholding...

In 2019, the Humane Society of the United States and our affiliates delivered many victories for wildlife, here in the United States and globally. We made great strides in protecting giraffes, native carnivores like bobcats and cougars, and marine mammals, including whales and dolphins in captivity...