Current Selections
Showing 13 of 13 results

Manatees are large, gentle marine mammals who eat only aquatic plants.

When Rebecca Cary was in second grade, she started an animal club with her friends in the neighborhood. The group hosted a school bake sale to support manatees and visited an animal shelter with their parents. Although Cary doesn’t remember the details of the visit, she does remember thinking that...

TALLAHASSEE, Florida—This November, Florida voters are being urged to vote NO on Amendment 2, a dangerously deceptive proposal that poses a threat to Florida’s wildlife, private property rights and natural resources. Black bears, dolphins, sea turtles and many other species are at risk. While it’s...

Our emergency response

To make the ocean safer for those who call it home.

Our campaign to stop puppy mill cruelty just reached an important milestone with the passage of the 400th local ordinance prohibiting the sale of puppy mill puppies in pet stores. And this is something to celebrate, as it shows so many people coming together to make the world a more humane place for...

Our  fight to stop the sale of puppy mill puppies in pet stores is coming to a head in Florida, a state in which we’ve helped to pass over 80 local ordinances prohibiting those sales. A new bill in its state legislature, SB 994/HB 849, would void popular  pet store ordinances recently enacted in...

Note: This blog is part of a series highlighting how we fight—and win—for animals. For this post, I join with Sara Amundson, president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, to tell the story about how we tackle institutionalized animal suffering by changing laws and government regulations. “Why...

You’ve seen those cute videos and heartwarming news stories: kangaroos hopping through the streets of Adelaide, Australia; penguins exploring Cape Town, South Africa; deer grazing on the lawn of an apartment complex in London; bears stretching their legs in Yosemite National Park; and coyotes...

Floridians face a critical decision on their November ballots, one that will shape the future of wildlife, land and the legacy they leave as voters for generations to come. That’s how significant—and dangerous—Amendment 2 is. The seemingly innocuous measure has been characterized by lobbyists as a way to protect hunting and fishing interests, but in reality, it goes so much further, setting a dangerous precedent for how wild animals are viewed and treated.

The federal government has fired another volley in its assault on the Endangered Species Act, and this time it’s aimed at paving the way for corporations to take over lands that could, if​ conserved and restored, help in the recovery of imperiled American wildlife. Under changes proposed in a new...

It’s no secret that puppy and kitten mills treat dog and cat mothers and fathers like moneymaking machines, bred over and over with little to no regard for their health or well-being. It is simply no way for a dog or cat to live. The suffering of these animal families is what drives us in our work...