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Canine separation anxiety is a disorder that can develop when a pet is away from the human or other animal to whom they’re most bonded. It results in a spectrum of behaviors that can include trembling, salivating, excessive vocalization, overgrooming, loss of bladder control despite successful potty...

What is a puppy mill? Puppy mills are inhumane high-volume dog breeding facilities that churn out puppies for profit, ignoring the needs of the pups and their mothers. We're fighting to end this cruelty, but we need your help. Here are seven ways you can take action to stop puppy mills: 1. Help make...

Contents How does the HSUS help local animal shelters and rescue groups? What if I have a concern about my local shelter or rescue? Where can I adopt a pet? How can I volunteer to help animals? I need to find a new home for my pet. Where can I turn? What is the HSUS's position on use of the gas...

Who are Shelter and Rescue Partners? Our Shelter and Rescue Partner program is a network of organizations committed to serving as a safety net for pets and mentors for overwhelmed shelters. In collaboration with the Humane Society of the United States, program partners drive advancements in the...

For years we managed our lovable but anxious cat’s behavior in ways that, looking back, seem silly. Pepper, an indoor cat, would become upset if she looked through the sliding glass door in our kitchen and saw another cat passing through our backyard. As she began to growl, we would hastily retreat...

The atmosphere is often bustling at our care and rehabilitation center in Maryland, a haven for animals rescued from cruelty, neglect and disasters, where they take their first steps toward a second chance and a loving home. Bear, a 2-year-old Alaskan Malamute mix, was one of approximately 40 dogs...

Of the more than 150 dogs rescued in October from a South Korean dog meat farm, most have already found loving homes—but a dozen or so require a bit of extra TLC first. Their surroundings at an HSUS-run temporary shelter are a far cry from the filthy, cramped cages where they awaited a gruesome fate...

The South Carolina legislature unanimously passed legislation addressing the financial burden of caring for animals seized in cruelty and fighting cases. This bipartisan bill was supported by South Carolina law enforcement agencies and ensures that the responsibility for covering the costs of caring...

The Humane Society of the United States worked with the United States Department of Justice on a transfer plan to remove all of the approximately 4,000 remaining beagles housed at Envigo’s facility in Cumberland, Virginia. At this time, we are connecting with our shelter and rescue partners and...

It starts out mildly enough: Heading to work on the subway, you realize you forgot your wallet. No big deal, you think. I’ll borrow money to get home. Soon the lights go out and the train hurtles toward the sky, speeding through the atmosphere. Time passes—it’s hard to tell how long. The subway is...

A kitten's life is all about play ... and play is all about prey. Kittens start to play when they are a few weeks old. If you look closely, you'll notice that you now have an itty-bitty hunter in your house. Learning to play nice Kittens learn to control how hard they bite from their mothers and...

Over the decades, humans have come up with a variety of terms for domestic cats. We refer to pet cats, feral cats, wild cats, alley cats, stray cats, barn cats and, more recently, community cats. They’re all the same species ( Felis catus); the terms we use simply describe their lifestyle, ownership...

Cockfighting is an age-old practice in which two or more specially bred birds, known as gamecocks, are placed in an enclosed pit to fight for the primary purposes of gambling and entertainment. A typical cockfight can last anywhere from several minutes to more than half an hour and usually results...

Dogfighting is where dogs who have been bred, conditioned and trained to fight are placed in a pit to fight each other for spectator entertainment and profit. Fights average one to two hours, ending when one of the dogs cannot continue. What can I do to help stop dogfights? Learn how to spot the...

The Fair Housing Act The Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a federal law that prevents discrimination against tenants in their homes. Under the FHA, a disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which significantly limits a person’s major life activities. Even if a lease says "no pets" or...

Uncovering national puppy mills The Humane Society of the United States is reporting on problem puppy mills, including some dealers (re-sellers) and transporters. The Horrible Hundred report is a list of known, problematic puppy breeding and/or puppy brokering facilities. It is not a list of all...