Showing 20 of 110 results

Contents How many animals are used in experiments each year? Which animals are used in experiments? What kinds of experiments are animals used in? What kinds of institutions use animals in experiments? Where do laboratories get the animals they use in experiments? What is life like for animals in...

The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets and people. It's difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, let alone thick humidity, but things really get tough in areas that are hit with the double blow of intense heat and storm-caused power outages, sometimes with...

You can help pets in your own neighborhood by getting to know your neighbors and familiarizing yourself with local food pantries, shelters and other pet services in your community. Donating small amounts of your time, resources or expertise to companion animal causes at a local level can strengthen...

Did you know that 72 % of renters have pets, yet problems finding and keeping rental housing is a leading reason dogs and cats wind up in shelters? It doesn’t have to be that way! Pets are a part of every community and live in two-thirds of American homes, yet renters often have trouble finding...

Take these five steps to reduce the symptoms of pet allergies.

Machine-washable items Add a one pound box of baking soda to your regular detergent and wash as usual, air drying if possible. If you can still see or smell the soiling, wash again with an enzymatic cleaner—these break down pet waste odors. If your pet soils the sheets or blankets on a bed, cover...

When we think of “aggression,” we may think of a variety of motivations and impulses deriving from our own experience as humans. Fortunately, aggression in cats is easier to make sense of and typically derives from two impulses: fear and mistrust. These are the most likely scenarios to cause fear...

Set up a scavenger hunt Hide some treats in sneaky spots around the house and let your dog use their strong sense of smell to find them. Rotate their toys If you spoil your pet with a mountain of toys, some of the selection is surely forgotten during daily playtime—refresh their collection by...

The Fair Housing Act The Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a federal law that prevents discrimination against tenants in their homes. Under the FHA, a disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which significantly limits a person’s major life activities. Even if a lease says "no pets" or...

In one sense, it was a “routine” grooming appointment. In November, a big poodle mix named Freeda got her curly black hair shampooed, cut and blow-dried to perfection. She went in looking good and came out looking better, ready to show off her new ’do to mom Janis at their Northern Idaho home....

The suspect creeping up near my front fence was a tough character—broad-leafed and thick-stemmed and threatening to invade my property and swallow it whole if I didn’t act fast. There was no hesitation that summer morning as I headed to work: Off with his head! It was a decision made all too easy by...

Pets get into everything and, like babies, tend to explore the world with their mouths. Make sure they stay safe by checking your home and yard for plants that could cause an emergency vet visit. It's also important to familiarize yourself with what table scraps are OK to share and which to avoid...

Animal shelters and rescues are amazing! Usually with limited resources and very little publicity, they help untold numbers of animals and people. Give back by choosing one or more of the following ways to show your appreciation for the groups that do so much for animals, people and your community.

It seemed like a good idea at the time: Buy a house with a two-acre property, let our energetic herding dog have the run of the place and spend blissful summer days digging side by side in the dirt with her. And it was blissful, watching Mattie carve out her napping spots behind the ferns and tall...

Corey Roscoe was in college when the tortoiseshell started hanging around her apartment building’s trash and crying loudly. “These loud cries across the parking lot were like the beacon for my inner cat person,” says Roscoe, director of humane policy volunteer state engagement at the Humane Society...

Maybe you’ve seen those videos of our Animal Rescue Team saving animals from hurricanes, floods and large-scale neglect situations. We HSUS staffers who toil in front of computer screens and aren’t directly involved in rescues have seen those videos too. And sometimes we feel a little left out and...

Tens of millions of pets are loved by families experiencing poverty. This is at least triple the number of dogs and cats entering shelters, many of whom are surrendered due to a lack of access to pet care resources. Stand with us today to increase access to affordable veterinary care, pet food and...

Leaving your beloved companion home while you’re at work or travelling is hard enough; finding a trustworthy pet sitter shouldn’t be. Faced with hectic schedules and long commutes—or even a pet who’s dealing with separation anxiety—more people are hiring professional sitters to ensure their animals’...

The Humane Society of the United States is not a shelter, parent organization or regulatory/investigative agency for local humane societies, animal shelters, animal care and control agencies or rescue groups. These groups are independent organizations governed by their own boards of directors or by...

The annual To the Rescue! gala supporting the work of the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International, which took place on Nov. 3, 2023, at Cipriani 42nd Street, raised $2.2 million to benefit the organizations’ work to protect animals. Actress, author, producer and rabbit...