Showing 20 of 89 results

Four conservation and animal protection groups sued the Trump administration today over its secretive new policy of approving elephant and lion trophy imports behind closed doors. The lawsuit targets a U.S. Fish and Wildlife decision, outlined in a March 1 memo, to shut the public and scientists out...

WASHINGTON—Today animal protection and conservation groups sent a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to respond to a legal petition to protect the common hippopotamus under the Endangered Species Act. The Fish and Wildlife Service was required to respond to the...

WASHINGTON—Animal protection and conservation groups sent notice today of their intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for missing its deadline to decide whether the common hippopotamus should be protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The deadline results from a 2022 petition...

Today, the New York state legislature passed a bill that ends inhumane wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete to kill the most, the heaviest and the smallest animals for cash and prizes. In 2018 and 2020, the Humane Society of the United States released undercover investigations...

WARNING: This page contains graphic content. In the spring of 2020, an HSUS investigator noticed something unusual: Just as some annual in-person killing contests for coyotes, foxes, bobcats and other animals were being canceled because of COVID-19, groups devoted to online killing contests were...

The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund are noted champions for the protection and well-being of the nation’s wild horses and burros, and we have strong policy and practical commitments to the humane management of their herds on America’s Western ranges. We...

It was the shot heard around the world. An American trophy hunter shot and severely injured Cecil with an arrow after he was lured outside Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe with elephant carcass bait. About 10 hours later, the hunting party tracked him down. A second arrow ended Cecil’s life. The...

Colorado’s mountain lions, bobcats and lynx are under threat from trophy hunting and need protection now.

This list is provided as a resource for horse owners and is for informational purposes only. Please contact specific vendors for more information on their services. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all listings. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change over time. The...

The first time Joni Conley saw her new furry family member run around her hay farm, it was clear that he’d spent most of his former life in a cage. “It was like he didn’t know where his legs were,” she recalls. “When he got the zoomies, I thought he was gonna blow a knee out!”

When the U.S.-based rescuers from Humane Society International touched down in Seoul in mid-October, they faced the usual jet lag. But rather than tackle it by jumping head-first into their work—shutting down their 17 th South Korean dog meat farm—they went straight to a hotel … and straight into...

WASHINGTON—Next week in Nashville, Tennessee, thousands of hunters will gather at Safari Club International’s annual convention, featuring over 850 exhibitors from more than 30 countries. More than half of these exhibitors will be hunting guides and outfitters peddling trophy hunts of the world’s...

A raccoon in the chimney, a groundhog under the shed, a skunk under the back porch … when confronted with wildlife living up-close in their own homes or backyards, well-meaning but harried homeowners often resort to what they see as the most humane solution—live-trapping the animal and then setting...

A shocking undercover investigation recently conducted in Iowa by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International found what can only be described as a massive garbage bin of the trophy hunting industry. A four-day event where thousands of animals – including at least 557...

HARTFORD, Connecticut—Today the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International released alarming results of an undercover investigation at 29 Connecticut stores, revealing the illicit sale of elephant ivory, as well as bone and teeth from other imperiled species. Elephant ivory...

Of the more than 150 dogs rescued in October from a South Korean dog meat farm, most have already found loving homes—but a dozen or so require a bit of extra TLC first. Their surroundings at an HSUS-run temporary shelter are a far cry from the filthy, cramped cages where they awaited a gruesome fate...

Conflicts between humans and wildlife are increasing as human populations and urbanization continue to expand globally. A number of additional factors increase the likelihood of human-wildlife interactions and those include wild animals adapting to and flourishing in urban areas, rural areas...

WASHINGTON—A shocking undercover investigation released today by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International exposed the hypocrisy that the trophy hunting industry uses to promote the killing of imperiled species. The Safari Club International convention in Nashville...