Current Selections
Showing 20 of 174 results

Internet pet sale scams We all know the internet can be a great place to buy anything from books to rare gifts, but it's not where you should go to buy a new pet. In addition to disreputable dealers and puppy mills, internet scammers have crept into the realm of online pet sales, stealing money from...

You find your cat rolling and twisting on the floor, rubbing his face against it and drooling everywhere. Right away you know — they've been in the catnip.

A humane backyard is a safe haven for wildlife—a space where animals can thrive free from pesticides, trapping and other threats.

In 1988, after a decade that saw record sales of animal fur, a representative from the Humane Society of the United States met in Europe with other advocates to plan an end to an industry built on cruelty. Only a year before, the first ladies of the U.S. and what was then the USSR had famously...

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas—Today, four leading animal protection organizations—the Humane Society of the United States, Born Free USA, FOUR PAWS USA and Last Chance for Animals—launched a national campaign urging Dillard’s, the last major U.S. department store still selling animal fur, to adopt a fur...

As my neighbors and I stood 10 feet apart and swapped tips for scavenging kitchen staples this spring, the wilder residents of our community shared no such concerns. Squirrels twirled maple seed clusters like bouquets to reach every tidbit. Bumblebees made a mockery of social distancing in their...

The delegate seemed ready to pick a fight, already having mocked a proposed plastic bag ban and other pro-environment bills on the day’s agenda. As I finished my testimony in support of wildlife-friendly plantings, I steeled myself for a heated debate. But on that gray afternoon in February 2020...

If you’ve ever eaten a juicy ear of corn or admired a perfectly manicured garden, you can probably thank a chemical engineer. But the pesticides and herbicides that make mass food production and smooth grass easier may negatively impact not just the ecosystem, but the health of our pets. All cancers...

“There's another house burning,” Kristen Huston says, steering her white sedan, its trunk loaded with pet supplies, into one of the neighborhoods where her organization, All About Animals Rescue, does outreach. “Do you smell it?” In the back seat, HSUS staffers Jason Schipkowski and Ashley Mutch...

WARNING: This page contains graphic content. Editor's note: A day after the Humane Society of the United States released the results of its undercover investigation and two days after police searched the premises, Petland announced that it was cutting ties with the franchise store in Fairfax...

Set up a scavenger hunt Hide some treats in sneaky spots around the house and let your dog use their strong sense of smell to find them. Rotate their toys If you spoil your pet with a mountain of toys, some of the selection is surely forgotten during daily playtime—refresh their collection by...

Many people enjoy the booming sounds and flashing colors of fireworks, but they can be terrifying, overwhelming⁠ and hazardous for both wild and domestic animals. On the Fourth of July, many animals become so frightened by the noise and commotion of fireworks that they run from otherwise familiar...

Of all the surprising twists and turns my venture into the world of wildlife gardening has taken, the one that stands out most is the day I learned about the dark side of my favorite symbol of hope and summer: the sunflower. It was in the early 2000s and the fledgling gardens at my new home were...

The words might seem alarming: “Positive for FIV.” Because many people are unfamiliar with feline immunodeficiency virus, it can seem like a daunting diagnosis for potential adopters. Yet the myths and misconceptions around FIV—such as the mistaken assumption that it is a “death sentence”—might...

Follow these tips to keep animals safe and comfortable in the cold.

Animals with fur suffer immensely in the name of "fashion." Fortunately, more and more brands, designers and retailers are going fur-free. The companies listed below have announced that they don't sell animal fur or are phasing in a fur-free policy. (Please note that leather and shearling are not...

Somewhere between childhood and middle age, people’s natural affinity for wildlife often melts away, overtaken by exaggerated fears of marauding armies of deer, insects and raccoons intent on invading our gardens and homes. Scorn for rabbits, the sensitive stars of many a bedtime story, is...

SALEM, Ore.—Wildlife-advocacy and animal-protection groups sent an urgent letter today calling on Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek and state officials to address mink fur farms’ escalating threats to public health and wildlife. The groups are asking the governor to fast-track phasing out commercial mink fur...

Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek signed bills to stop the sale of puppy mill puppies and kittens in pet stores (HB 2915) and to end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics (HB 3213). Kotek also recently signed a package of housing bills that included funding for domestic violence and homeless shelters to better...